Our Anthology: A Journey of Improvements, Bugs, and Suggestions in the App | Edition 2

July 17, 2023
Company News
1 min

Welcome to Edition #2 of our blog series – "Our Anthology". We’ve relaunched the Anthology app with the goal to uphold the integrity of the photography industry in this rapidly changing online world and we're excited to have you join us on this journey.

Here, we'll keep you informed about the latest bugs, planned improvements, and the impact of your feedback. We believe in being transparent and accessible, and this blog is a step towards that. So, let's get started!

Bug Discovery and Fixes

On Friday we announced the release of v3.0.1 of the app, bringing some bug fixes and stability improvements to the app.

As of now, here is a list of the bugs we are currently aware of: 

  • On the Explore screen, there is an issue with the refresh rates of the pins and icons that make them jump around on the screen depending on where the user is viewing from
  • On your Flash Challenge Stats page, there is a bug existing if you have previous data carried over from the beta version of the app. when scrolling, you may come across a white screen. The resolution for the time being is to force close the app and reopen. This is being worked on
  • There is an occasional bug that exists on the Search screen. Some users have reported a black screen when they were attempting to use the Search Bar. The resolution for the time being is to force close the app and reopen.  

Are you experiencing other bugs that are not labeled here? You could help us out a ton by submitting them to the support team here!

Future Improvements

Our biggest concern for the next update will be for the bugs listed above, however, we are also looking to implement the following improvements: 

  • Improvements to image quality appearing on the images in the Social Feed. We testing different engineering solutions for optimizing visual quality on mobile while limiting the impact to user experience. In a perfect world, we would like to not use image compression, but as we continue to work on this area, there may be some standards and practices that we have to implement
  • Bringing the flipping animation back to Portfolios
  • Improving data and the Discovery on Search algorithm - using a randomized algorithm for the Search Discovery screen was good for efficiency in getting the app back to market, however, we will look to implement a better end user experience of promoting new users, portfolios and images on the Discovery page

Anthology is a gamified photography-focused platform built for those that love to take, share, or simply admire awesome photos. The Anthology mobile app is currently in development with a live beta available to download for free on Android and iOS.

Join today and start building your Anthology!

anthology, anthology app, our anthology, edition, bugs, fixes, improvements